The 12 Ways of Staying Active During the Spring
Our Oak’s lifestyle directors have created a list of 12 ways that you and your loved ones can stay active and healthy this season.
We all know that the springtime can see rising temperatures and an increase in pollen allergens. Simple factors like this can contribute to not wanting to be very mobile. Many of us look forward to flowers blooming and drinking iced tea on the porch, staying active during this season is also important. Everyone, including seniors, can benefit from engaging in some easy fun-filled activities that will go a long way towards overall health. Our Oak’s lifestyle directors have created a list of 12 ways that you and your loved ones can stay active and healthy this season.
1 Stay Active
Just continue doing! Make sure that you don’t slow down or stop all of your activity altogether; the evenings can be the perfect time to take a refreshing walk. If you already have good active habits, one of the best things that you can do is keep these habits going strong. If your family member is pressuring you to cease doing the things that keep them healthy, invite them to do something active with you instead.
2 Eat Well
As tempting as eating everything in sight could be, you might want to put that extra cookie down. Practicing moderation in how much you eat, will go a long way towards long-term health. There are also lots of new healthy variations on traditional dishes that are full of flavor. The springtime also has a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables in season. Check out which items are in season here.
3 Prevent Illness and Injury
Make sure that your home is safe and accessible. Since there are going to be more people moving around, it is essential to make sure that all high traffic lanes are clear and ready for the hustle and bustle. Springing flowers are lovely, but you don’t want to let yourself be prone to allergy hazards that could potentially be very bothersome.
4 Set A Challenge
When we set goals, we are more apt to reach them. Even if the challenge is low, like reaching a small, predetermined number of steps each day, you will be surprised at how setting and achieving challenges will keep you focused on your health.
5 Get Outside
Explore a park or some part of your city on foot. Instead of using transportation, walk between destinations if at all possible. Take time together as loved ones to enjoy a scenic vista. There are plenty of ways to get fresh air and exercise outside. Go adventure!
6 Find A Buddy
Enlist someone else who also wants to stay on track with being active. They can help you keep moving when you have a lulling day where you do not feel like it all. Encourage each other to keep going strong.
7 Treat Yourself
Do not treat yourself to food. Treat yourself to new workout clothes. The type of clothes that are wearable, in fashion, and are designed to increase your overall motivation. The kind of shoe you are working out in can also have a significant impact on your mobility. Check with your podiatrist or primary doctor to see if there is a shoe that would specifically benefit your body type.
8 Fitness Tradition
Create a new family tradition this year involving fitness. There are lots of larger spring events going on that you can join together and make something like fitness more meaningful with people that you love and care about. Families can turn friendly competition into something useful that helps everyone stay healthy.
9 Find A Promotion
Gyms and exercise studios are known to offer deals to older adults wanting to become or stay proactive. Take advantage of this and search out the best deals around you and then join. If you are already a part of the gym, take advantage of the deal hunting and find out if your membership has perks during the different seasons.
10 Work the Mall
Powerwalk between the stores as you run those last-minute errands. Every extra step counts! Map out a route that encourages exercise instead of cutting down time. Don’t forget to wear your comfortable shoes and drink water instead of an unhealthy beverage, like soda.
11 Volunteering
Keep a lookout for opportunities to be active in serving someone else. Share a smile as a family with others at a local soup kitchen. Find out if there is any cleaning up taking place locally that you can volunteer at, such as a park pick up. As you volunteer time to the entire community, you will receive the benefits of health in your own life.
12 Local Events
There is always an abundance of activities happening in communities. Block parties, barbeques, and parades are just a few of the local events that occur during this time of the year. Make some time to go and enjoy the beauty and joy of friendship and community.
When we set goals, we are more apt to reach them.
We hope that you have a fantastic spring season. Follow Oaks Senior Living on Facebook to see what we are doing to stay active! Send us pictures of the fun things that you are doing to stay active!

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